Finding My Love | Western Mass Birth Photography

On my way home from the hospital I knew I was hooked.

It was an intense and grueling labor. 43 hours of pain and hard work. I could not be more in awe of the beauty and strength it took to birth this incredible tiny human being.

This was not the first birth I had witnessed. As a paramedic I have been on the clinical side of births. I have seen the miracle of new life entering the world before. It is a heart wrenching relief when you hear the intense first cry of a newborn, air circulating their lungs for the first time. The air is deafeningly still as you wait for the gasp. It is a welcomed and joyous difference (though no less demanding and consuming) to be granted the opportunity to bring new life into the world, when the job so often has us fighting to keep life here.

It was a new realm for me to observe and feel all the emotions that come with this new beginning, instead of pushing it all down to ensure the best clinical care is given no matter the situation I am given.

And how incredible it was to feel all those emotions. Even more incredible to capture those emotions for all of time. The beautiful gift of birth photography is the ability to see and remember those glorious moments: the superhuman strength it took, the inspiring first moments of life, the building of a family. I knew I wanted to provide that gift to as many families as I could.

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